reflecting on the auteur theory: The power-point presentations allowed us to discuss the auteur theory and how different directors use it. This was beneficial because it allowed us all as a group to develop a deeper understanding of the auteur theory. Most of the groups were paired up with someone who based their presentation on a different director, but myself and Katie both based our presentation on Taratino and we thought that both being paired up and doing the same director was beneficial because we got a deeper understanding of how the auteur theory was used by Taratino and because we both presented our presentations to each other and we focused on different aspects. For example: Katie used videos to show where aspects of Taratino and where his theme vengeance was used throughout three films. on the other hand, I picked three films which were Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill and Reservoir Dogs and stated in detail how the auteur theory is used and links to each film. I think that both d...